Sunday, December 24, 2006

Anthony Capener - Baffle Variable vs. Capsule Variable

Baffle Variable vs. Capsule Variable
EM-158- w/ Baffle
OMNI ORTF- w/ Baffle
OMNI ORTF- no Baffle
Cardioid ORTF- no Baffle

The Primo EM-158 high sensitivity condenser microphones used at station two with a baffle provides Stereo space. Test nine station two was recored with Omni (no baffle). Capsule Variable- I appreciated the recording's spatial image less after comparing it to other ORTF test. Similar to the Omni capsules, the Cardioid capsules called attention to the the ten and two positions. There's a significant difference between the two positions for the Cardioids ability to capture the stereo space. There were intruding walls of a side room at the 10 o'clock position and the capsules captured a clear timing difference to the 2 o'clock position where the space of the room was open without the intruding dimension. The use of a baffle called less attention to this and made for a better overall stereo image. This test demonstrates the benefit of using a baffle as the main variable verses a change cardioid and OMNI capsules as being the only variable.
-Anthony Capener

1 comment:

Rob D. said...

Hi Anthony--

One thing for certain, it takes a patient, trainned ear to hear the details these test can reveal. I trust these four comparisons have something to show but without text describing the rigs and other variable we are trying to judge the effects of in the video clip, I'm over-loaded.

So so you want to compare these?

(1) The difference between the omni and cardioid capsules used in the same ORTF/no baffle configuration with the Sound Projects C-4 mics


(2) The difference between the omni capsules in ORTF with a baffle and without a baffle using the Sound Projects C-4 mics


(3) EM158's with a baffle (spread, orientation?) to Sound Projects C-4 Omni capsules in ORTF also with baffle?

or something I missed?

Maybe it would be best to do the separate test pairs first, reach some conclusions and then figire-out how to group them into one demonstrative video?

Rob D.